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2020.05.21 15:51

cnn뉴스를 보니까 인도쪽이 이번 태풍으로 인해 많은 피해를 본거같은데요

얼마전 LG화학의 공장에서도 화재가 나서 난리가 났었는데.. 해당 사건이 주가에 영향을 주지는 않을까 걱정되었습니다.
다행히 전기차 호재가 너무 강해서 묻힌거같지만요..

이번 기사를 보면서 찾아보니 방글라데시는 최근 대규모 공사로 인해 철강 수요가 많이 늘었다고 합니다.
하지만 이번에 일어난 코로나와 더불어 태풍으로 철강의 수요가 줄어들진 않을까 걱정입니다.
아쉽게도 방글라데시 정부는 사회적 거리두기를 계속 시행하고 있으며.. 피해지역 인원들의 대피도 제한하고 있다고 하네요.

이런 슬픈 뉴스지만 뉴스는 뉴스이고.. 이와 관련해서 하락이 염려될만한 국내 기업에는 뭐가 있을까요?
기업들마다 인도 및 방글라데시에 비중이 큰 공장이 있는지 없는지 찾으려면 어디서 보는게 제일빠를까요?

아시는 기업 있으시면 알려주세요!

아래 태풍관련 피해 기사 첨부합니다
출처 cnn.


Storm surges in Bangladesh were as high as 15 feet

Catholic Relief Services/Caritas Bangladesh
Catholic Relief Services/Caritas Bangladesh

Several poorly maintained dykes and dams in Bangladesh broke down even before Cyclone Amphan made landfall on Wednesday, causing extensive flooding in parts of the country.

Snigdha Chakraborty with charity Catholic Relief Services said the country saw storm surges as high as 15 feet (4.5 meters), inundating houses throughout the country.

A total of 12,078 cyclone shelters were prepared throughout the country's coastal regions, where over 2 million people were evacuated. About 40,000 livestock animals were also evacuated.

Though there has been significant damage across the coast, major destruction has not been reported so far in the refugee camp's near Cox's Bazar, where nearly 1 million Rohingya Muslims who fled violence in Myanmar currently live, Chakraborty said.

Some weak shelters were damaged in the storm and now need to be repaired, she said.

There was concern that the precipitation from the storm -- though it made landfall on the other side of Bangladesh -- could cause landslides in the refugee camps. Those living there already are subject to squalid conditions, and there is concern that a Covid-19 outbreak could arise in the camps after cases were reported last week.

Catholic Relief Services/Caritas Bangladesh
Catholic Relief Services/Caritas Bangladesh

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